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Receiving restrictions

A licence for the activities of the warehousekeeper with natural gas, which gives the taxpayer the right to store, import, receive, ship natural gas (including liquefied natural gas and compressed natural gas), if the natural gas is not transported through the pipelines of the natural gas transmission and distribution system, applying the suspension of excise duty.

Process description

  1. Service requests
    In order to receive a special permit (licence) for the activities of an approved warehousekeeper with natural gas, a merchant in the electronic declaration system of the State Revenue Service (hereinafter - SRS) ( - Documents - Applications for Excise Goods Licences and Certificates - Application for the receipt, renewal or cancellation of a special permit (licence) for the activities of a warehouse keeper with natural gas) submission and documents - Explanation of the conduct of economic transactions. The explanation shall include information on planned operations with natural gas.

    The application form and the documents to be attached thereto shall be determined by Cabinet Regulation No. 199 (Paragraph 15).

  2. Payment of state fee
    The state fee of EUR 284 shall be paid within 10 days after the submission of the application.
    In order to re-register a special permit (licence), if the licence is not supplemented with a new type of excisable goods, a fee of EUR 28 must be paid.
    The state fee for issuing or re-registration of a licence must be paid into the Treasury, Reg. No 90000050138, account no. LV32TREL1060000921400 (Treasury, BIC TRELLV22).

  3. Receipt of services
    The special permit (licence) shall be sent electronically through the SRS Electronic Declaration System.
    Information regarding issued special permits (licences) is available in the “Publicable Database” section at