Execution deadline in working days
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Receiving restrictions

License for operation of an excise warehousekeeper for a small alcoholic beverage brewery (natural person - economic operator) or a merchant gives the right to produce wine, fermented beverages, intermediate products containing only fermented alcohol or other alcoholic beverages from products obtained from gardens and apiaries in Latvia or in the gardens and apiaries owned by a natural person or a member of a commercial company or in the gardens and apiaries owned by a spouse in Latvia, providing that the member has owned at least 35% of the company for at least nine months before the transaction and ensure that:
1) the total volume of wine or fermented beverages produced does not exceed 15,000 liters per calendar year;
2) the quantity of absolute alcohol in the other alcoholic beverages produced does not exceed 1000 liters per calendar year;
3) the total volume of intermediate products produced does not exceed 1000 liters per calendar year.

Process description

  1. Service requests
    Apply through EDS ( - Documents - Application of Forms - Applications for Excise Goods Licences and Certificates - Application for the receipt, renewal of a special permit (licence) approved for the operation of a regulated warehouse keeper of excisable goods or for cancellation).
    Commercial activity with excisable goods is permitted only at the legal address registered.

  2. Payment of state fee
    The State fee shall be paid prior to the receipt of a special permit (licence) - EUR 71.

    To re-register a special permit (licence) - EUR 28.

    State fee paid to:
    LV32TREL1060000921400 (Treasury, BIC TRELLV22).
    The payment order must specify the registration code of the taxpayer and the type or series of the licence.

  3. Receipt of services
    Through EDS

    Information on special permits (licences) is available in the “Publicable database” section at