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Submission to be able to use the SRS system - EDS

Process description

  1. Service requests
    Taxpayer can become EDS user:
    1. authentication tools at (online banking authentication) or through “connect to” section;
    2. e-signature smart card (e-me) or electronic identification card (eID) when registering online at The taxpayer must complete a web form and confirm the data with an e-signature. After the e-signature has been added to the form, the taxpayer or authorised representative will become an EDS user;
    3. virtual e-signature. The taxpayer must complete an application about the users of EDS and other SRS information systems and necessary permissions must be provided:
    a. Taxpayer: EDS client for whom documents will be submitted;
    b. Authorised representative: user with right to edit user settings. More than one representative can be named;
    c. other users to the extent specified by the authorised representative;
    d. IP address - an IP address limit is possible: not recommended if several computers are used.
    Application signed by virtual e-signature must be sent to SRS reviews submissions within 5 businessdays, and user identifiers and passwords are sent to the e-mail addresses specified. If the person is already a registered EDS user, the user receives an e-mail informing of the right to represent a new client; the user identifier and password remain unchanged.
    4. paper application at a SRS client service site.

  2. Receipt of services
    Service is received as per application.

Forms and other documents

  1. SRS website
