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The approved economic operator or AEO is authorised by economic operators whose activities are related to customs matters (e.g. imports, exports, transit, declaration), following verification of compliance with the AEO criteria. Simplifications and facilitations (benefits of AEO) are available to recognised economic operators, depending on the type of authorisation received.
Types of authorisations of the authorised operator (AEO):
- authorisation of the AEOC — Customs simplifications (AEO Customs Simplifications);
- AEOS authorisation - Security and Safety;
- AEOF authorisation: issued to economic operators who at the same time meet both the customs simplifications (AEOC) and the safety and security (AEOS) criteria (AEO Customs Simplifications/Security and Safety).

Process description

  1. Service requests
    To obtain a permit, an economic operator shall submit an AEO application together with the AEO self-assessment questionnaire to the AEO system.

    The form of the AEO self-assessment questionnaire for completion shall be downloadable directly from the recognised operator's system. On the other hand, you need to upload a completed questionnaire back to this system.

    The form of the AEO self-assessment questionnaire is set out in the AEO guidelines of the European Union (Annex 1a) and the model form is published on the SRS website. Explanations for the completion of this questionnaire are available in the AEO guidelines of the European Union (Annex 1b).

    All information exchange related to the acceptance and processing of an AEO application and the issuance and management of an AEO authorisation shall be carried out electronically.

    The operator may register the e-mail address of his or her company in the framework of a recognised economic operator in order to obtain the customs authorities' notifications relating to the acceptance and processing of the AEO application, the AEO authorisation and its management.

    In order to connect to the Recognized Entrepreneur system for the first time, the operator shall submit a submission in a specified sample for the granting of the rights of the users using the SRS EDS.

  2. Receipt of services
    The decision on an AEO authorisation (favourable or unfavourable) shall be communicated by electronic means to the economic operator (applicant) within the framework of the recognised economic operator. AEO is not authorised in paper form and the authorisation is not used in paper form.

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